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5 Tips to Try for Effective Direct Mail Marketing

Over the past few years, marketing has evolved to include new ways to reach audiences we never thought possible. One tactic, however, that has continued to have a lasting effect is direct mail marketing. If you think direct mail marketing is a thing of the past, think again. 

With the right audience and the right business, direct mail marketing can have a powerful presence in any brand marketing strategy. But first, let’s start with some ideas. Here are five tips to try for effective direct mail marketing.


1. Identify your prospects.

The first step in a direct mail marketing campaign is to identify who you want to send your pieces to and where they are going. This may sound simple, but can actually be one of the most complicated steps in the process. 

Take some time to actually look through your lists of potential customers and who would be most interested in your product or service. Be sure to research information like demographics, purchasing behavior and lifestyle habits. Once you narrow down your target audience, your campaign will be more effective.


2. Decide on your design.

Next, decide on a visually-appealing design for your mailing piece. What size is it going to be? Is it going to include an envelope or be a simple postcard? Are you going to use a lot of colors or be more neutral? Most importantly, how is the actual content of the piece going to stand out and catch consumers’ attention among all of the design work?

Look through any direct mail pieces you yourself have received to see what most attracts you. Try out a couple of different designs before choosing one you think could truly reach your target audience and draw them in.


3. Include a CTA.

One of the biggest problems most marketers face is a low return on investment. Oftentimes, this can be overcome by simply asking consumers for what you want. This is where the call to action (CTA) comes in.

A strong CTA tells the reader what they should do and when they should do it. For example, “Stop in today to check out our latest deals.” Be sure to include a CTA in your direct mail marketing pieces so you can get a strong return on the investment.


4. Be personal.

One strength direct mail marketing has is the potential to be personal with customers. Each customer and prospect is unique, and values feeling that way from businesses. Gather prospect data to personalize the campaign experience for potential consumers. Use names whenever applicable, offer exclusive promotions on items they may be interested in or even write a handwritten note. While you may not be able to completely alter each piece, even little personalized tweaks here and there can make a world of difference.


5. Measure your results.

Finally, be sure to measure your results post-direct mail marketing campaign. See how well your campaign did and how the return on investment turned out. Once you have a good measurement for how one campaign went, you can continue to use those results for future projects in new direct mail marketing pieces.

When it comes to marketing, direct mail is a powerful tool to share products and services with potential customers. Direct mail marketing may not be the newest marketing tactic around, but its powerful impact speaks for itself.